Monday 12 December 2016


Emily time!

"What is a target audience?

The google definition of 'target audience' is- 'a particular group at which a product such as a film or advertisement is aimed'. This tells us that the target audience of the film is the group of people that a particular film is aimed towards. To successfully produce a film, the makers must be fully aware of the audience that they are aiming the film at. 
What is the target audience for each of the following genres:

Usually, the target audience of a comedy film varies. The target audience of a comedic film revolves around the content of the film. For example, PG films may be comedies, and are aimed at children and families. However, if you were to watch a higher age rating, the target audience would naturally be older, more mature people. This is due to the fact that the jokes change according to the age rating, and you would have to be mature enough to actually understand the jokes and humor.  Moreover, if a comedy film was an 18, you would have to be above that age to fully understand the jokes and humor. These films are more explicit in their language and their visual scenes.  

Due to their ratings, most horror films are aimed at over 18's. There are some films in this genre that are a lower rating, however, to 'stay true' to the genre, it is common for horror films to go all out with the gore and fear. Although the actual age rating on the film may be an 18, it is common for people aged 15-25 to watch such films.This is because people naturally seek thrills and scares at this age, so naturally, film companies release horror movies aimed at teenagers/young adults. 
Moreover, stereo typically, men are more likely to be targeted for horror films. This is because of the idea that violence and gore if often loved by men, rather than women. Although stereotypical, this partly plays a part in the target audience of horror films.
Generally, horror films are aimed at the middle class. This is because they offer a relatively cheap way to experience thrills and excitement. Supposedly, upper class people can get such thrill in other ways (as they have the money available to them). 

Traditionally, action films have been aimed at men aged 15-30. This is due to the level of action and violence present in such films. Generally, men are more interested in this kind of fast-paced film. Whilst watching particular action films (for example, 'The Dark Knight'), it becomes increasingly apparent that such movies are aimed at men. These films offer a cast that is largely dominated by men, and the main character is almost always a male protagonist. There may be a female character present, but usually, she is played by a gorgeous, young actress who offers some 'eye-candy' for the male watchers. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it is just how filmmakers edit their films according to their target audience.

Due to the nature of this genre, it is hard to define the target audience of a drama film. For example, period drama films are easy to analyse for target audience (young women, due to the protagonist being a strong female), however, they are only a sub-genre in the drama genre. Because of this, there are many sub-genres that have their own target audience. For example:

  • Period Drama. Mostly, period drama films are directed at women of all ages. This is partly down to the casting, as the main character is almost always a strong female protagonist (for example, in the film Jane Eyre, she is the main character). This means that women can relate to the characters. It is also due to the fact there it is common to have a romantic story-line throughout the film, which appeals to women more than men. In many ways, the target audience for a period drama is similar to that of a romance film (women). There are a few notable exceptions to this rule (for example, 'A Knight's Tale' and 'Robin Hood'). These kinds of films are more aimed at men, as they focus more on the larger historical battles and events. 
  • Crime Drama. Usually, crime drama films revolve around the action on screen. Because of this, they are aimed more at a male audience. For example, the film- 'Reservoir Dogs' is a crime film and an action film. This tells us that crime dramas are based largely on action films. This tells us that the audience is basically the same for both genres- 15-30 year old males.
  • Romance Drama. A romance drama has almost the exact same target audience as a romance film. However, due to the definition of a drama film ("Drama film is a genre that relies on the emotional and relational development of realistic characters."), it may be likely for something emotional to occur during the film. For example, at the end of the film 'Titanic', the main character dies, leaving his spouse alone. This is a tragedy and is extremely sad. Because of this, the target audience of a romance drama may be those who are prepared for a good cry. They probably will not come to watch a romance drama if they don't want to be saddened by the events, and will instead watch an ordinary romance film. 
Commonly, Romance films are aimed at young women, aged 13-25. This is largely due to the nature of the films- they are lighthearted and 'heart-warming'. It is common for couples to go and see romance films. This is because, somehow the couples emotions and problem are similar to those shown in the film, and the film shows a good resolution, and a couple which they aspire to be like. Moreover, these films do not need much of an understanding to enjoy, as they are usually quite simplistic. Because of this, families also prefer to watch romance films. Statistically, romantic films are the most favourite genre in our society. Finally, romance films are good to watch at any age as it gives either a role model for younger girls, or somebody to relate to. 

What would be the target audience for your 'idea so far'?
Our idea is definitely going to be a comedy film! Me and Noah almost immediately agreed that we were going to create a comedy film, as we felt this genre has more potential and it also hasn't been done a lot.
Following this, we decided upon a basic idea for our opening. Our idea is based around a teenager, and because of this, the film would most likely be a 12+. We would only restrict the minimum age as there may be some minor language in the opening. 

What ways would you go about attracting your target audience to come and see this film?
I think we could create several different advertising techniques, across different mediums. For example, we could put up posters in and around schools, as this is our target age.
Also, we could use social media online to advertise our idea. Studies show that 90% of Americans go onto social media sites. This tells us that the best way of attracting a large amount of viewers would be through social media sites (such as Facebook and YouTube). Furthermore, It has been discovered that people are becoming more responsive to video rather than pictures or text. Because of this, we would focus on creating a few short trailers to put onto such social media sites. These would be short and entertaining, as we don't want to force the viewer into watching a long boring clip. Most of all, we want our target audience to laugh! This is the point of our film, so if we got them to laugh immediately, it would be memorable."

Yay for Emily! She the best B)

~ Noah :)

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