Friday 24 February 2017


"This is a link to the Prezi I made.

All in all, I believe that the audience would be from around 12-19, with perhaps a small audience in their 20-30's. 
I think that primarily, the film would be targeted around a younger audience. This is because although it revolves around a kid from the nineties, it has a lot of quirks and trends from present day, and our character is forced to navigate through a modern day Britain, full of Pokemon Go, and strange looking cars. This makes the setting immediately recognizable to the younger audience, and a few of the jokes will be more humorous to a younger audience because of this. The film can be advertised on 'teenage channels', such as the Disney channel, or perhaps CBBC. 

This target audience is clearly shown in our casting, as we have used actors that are around 13-17. 

However, on the other hand, there may be a slight interest from a slightly older audience (people in their 20-30's). This is because these are the people who were children in the nineties, so they will instantly know how it felt to be a teenager in this era. It will perhaps bring back memories of their childhood, which will make them want to see the film.  Also, the main character will be relate-able to them, as they can imagine what it was like in the nineties, compared to present day.

Age Rating:
Because of this, our film is rated a 'PG'. I was going to originally going to rate it as an 12. However, after researching into the 'bbfc', and their guidelines on age rating, I realised that our film was closer to a PG film, than a 12.

For example, on their website they state- "Mild bad language only. Aggressive or very frequent use of mild bad language may result in a work being passed at a higher category.". 
In our opening, there is one use of 'bad language' (our character says the word 'bogus'). However, this is a milder use of language, and may not even be recognised as bad by many viewers. 

Although our target audience is 12+, I believe that a rating of PG would be quite effective, as it would create a larger pool of potential viewers

Originally, I thought that our target audience would be unisex. However, after actually creating the opening, I believe that our audience is more aimed at teenage boys. This is partly because every actor in our opening is a boy (including the main character). This may make it a little hard for girls to relate to the opening, as they aren't really being represented in the film. Because of this, our film appears to be more relate-able to teenage boys.

Moreover, throughout the film, our main character is seen doing stereo-typical 'male' things. For example, he is seen playing on a games console, with his (male) friend. This is usually seen as a more masculine thing to do. Because of this, the film may be more relate-able, and humorous to boys. 

Our genre is comedy. This effectively attracts our target audience as comedic films are very popular in our male, teenage target audience. 

Example of audience member:
A perfect example of an audience member for our film would be:
A 15 year old boy, who has hobbies that include- gaming, skateboarding and nineties music.
He is normal, but perhaps has slightly unusual interests.
He probably has a smaller group of friends, as he shares his interests with them."

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