Monday 9 January 2017


So... the research is done. Now, the fun stuff begins.

So, what is our idea so far?

A 90's kid stereotype (e.g. a cap, a skateboard, a Gameboy and atrocious slang), wakes up in his bed, panting and shaken, as if he's just had a nightmare. He bolts upwards, and looks around. However, he notices that this is not his room. They aren't his posters, his clothes, his TV. Confused, he calls downstairs for his family. It's not his family who respond. So, PANIC. He bolts downstairs, and tries to find out what has happens. He bursts out of the house, and runs into the city center near his house. There's a cool shot panning around our main character, as he looks at the changes around him. He suddenly realises; he's not in 1995 anymore.

Me and Emily are working as a two, since we're very likeminded, and our ideas work well together.

We want to go for a comedy. We realised that the horror/thriller genre is done to death in A-Level media, from the openings we've seen online. Plus, the best ones we saw were the ones that weren't horror or thriller, they were comedies, fantasies, sci-fi... the list goes on.
Plus, Emily and I are both people who really love a good comedy, be it two hours of atrocious puns or well thought out jokes that double up as commentaries of the real world.

The narrative style for the opening is going to be from the main character's POV (we still have to name them lmao). It'll be a combination of 3rd person view and 1st person view, with the 1st person view coming in when they're looking around the new room, and possibly when they're rushing down and out of the house. The whole opening will revolve around what he's going through. The narrative will also be fairly lighthearted, with an uncomplicated plot. Everything will be concise, and the only padding will be for jokes.

On camera, we only want one key character; the 90s kid. There are only two real characters to focus on in the whole film, and the opening will only focus on our protagonist.

We plan on using two locations, the house and the city centre.
For the house, we'll probably use either my house or Emily's house, we haven't settled that yet. We'll have to redecorate the room

For the city centre, we want to have a shot similar to this one from Captain America: The First Avenger (skip to 1:53)

The shot of him being so stunned by the new world around him would fit what we're trying to go for perfectly.

We will be using dialogue, since a big part of the character is his fairly unique speech patterns.

We may break the fourth wall, but not in the opening, since the audience needs to focus on what's happened to this character and not what the character is saying directly to them.

There will not be narration as of right now, but that's still up in the air since we could use it for comedic affect like in the Anchorman films.

We have three particular shots we want to have in the opening.
The first one is when the character is leaving the house. We want a shot from behind them, as they open the door, and light floods the room, leaving a silhouette of the character. This would quite an impactful shot, as it would show the character stuck from the past seeing this bright new world, and feeling like a shadow of the past in a world of present light.
The second is an overhead shot of the character skating down a path to the city, which we plan on using a drone for.
The final one we wanted has already been spoken about with the Captain America example.

It's funny, I started this post in 2016 and ended it in 2017.
Image result for bill and ted gif excellent

Most excellent!

~ Noah :D

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