Thursday 26 January 2017


So, since we only spent one day filming, this will be the only installment of Filming Review: The Super Crunchy Skateboard Party Sitcom with Pratfalls / Physical Comedy and Cute Furry Animals for the International Audience.

Or we could just call it the Filming Review series.

For the lowdown on what happened on the day of filming, see the filming schedule post below this one.

Do that now.


You back? Ok.

So, what worked well?
The lighting was pretty much perfect all day, as was the weather. This meant shots were all clear, consistent and "cool" ~ Emily. Plus, good weather = equipment NOT being broken!

However, everything else... wasn't so smooth.

  • To start off with, the camera (otherwise known as my phone's pretty good camera) ran out of charge, due to the colder temperature draining the battery much faster. So we had to use Isaac's camera, which was still pretty good. 
  • Next, there was Isaac himself. While he's a good person to be around, he's not very co-operative when it comes to something like this. We repeatedly asked him to do things on film and asked him to not do things, but he did the opposite of what we said at many stops. There were also two times where he stopped for a chat with people, while we were losing valuable time.
  • As mentioned in the post before, while planning, there was an emergency in Castle Mall, which severely damaged our planning time.

Nothing needs refilming really, and we even planned ahead of that by recording things multiple times, and recording some audio seperately so that if one audio is bad, we have a backup.

It did not run smoothly, at all. The reasons are listed above.

We made a few changes, such as:

  • Filming the wake up scene in the food court instead of a bedroom; it was more convenient, and would add more mystery to the plot.
  • Having a "suit up" scene, where he puts on his hat and gets on his skateboard DRAMATICALLY.
  • We couldn't use the drone, unfortunately. So we ditched the overhead scene.
The food court idea was thought of while we planned over lunch, since we thought it could work better.

Well, there's the end of the review. Next up should be...


Image result for jojo's bizarre adventure to be continued
~ Noah :D

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