Thursday 26 January 2017


So... here they are. The finalists. They got through the auditions. Then Boot Camp. Then the judges houses. Now here they are, as written by Emily!
"These are the places we decided to film in:

Norwich High Street:

We used this area (on the right), to film the 'spinning shot'. This shot was used to show his shock and the overwhelming sensation that he felt. We were originally going to film further up the road, but we decided that this section of 'Gentleman's Walk' would be more effective. This is because, practically, it was less busy, so was easier to film in. Also, to our right was a phone store. I think it was effective to film next to a phone, store as it helped show the modern technological advances to our character. Moreover, this area created mise-en-scene, as it was representative of the average high street nowadays.

We decided to use this high street to film certain shots. We used the hill on the left to film a shot of Zak skating down. It was useful, as the hill created the illusion of speed. 

We filmed more generic shots in areas such as the stairs to the right. These were used to create the setting, and it introduced the setting to the audience. All of these more generic, preliminary shots were filmed in areas similar to this shot. These helped to create an obvious setting. 

Finally, primarily, we decided to film the scene where Zak wakes up, inside a bedroom. However, whilst we were filming, we changed our mind. Logistically, we decided that our character could easily wake up in a different setting. Because of this, we decided that our character would wake up in the food courts (in Castle Mall). Overall, I think that this was an effective substitution, as it added to the mystery of the scene. Moreover, this was easier practically, as we didn't have to film in two locations. This also made the transition easier, as we didn't have to try and justify him suddenly being in the city, when he woke up in a small town. Finally, this added to the mise-en-scene, as it created a more believable, realistic setting. "

The video is so close to being released!!

~ Noah :)

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