Wednesday 11 January 2017



So today's post will be about the main character of our opening! :D

Name: Zak Cheeseburger Bolts (yes we're serious)

Age: 16 / 17

Profession: Student, Professional 90's kid, World Record holder for "sickest skateboard trick" (he made that one up)

Likes: Crystal Pepsi, Skateboarding, Gameboy, Tamagotchis (even though they always die), the 90s

Dislikes: Regular Pepsi, the future

History: Born in 1980, he's always been a man of the 90s. Even in the 10 years he wasn't in the 90s, he would go on about how the 90s were so much better. He's always been seen wearing a cap; there is no picture of him that exists where he isn't wearing one.

Traits: Very open minded, but still very selective of what he likes and agrees with. Very "cool", very popular. Slightly egotistical, overconfident in their abilities.

Friendship Groups: He's mostly friends with anyone who shares common interests, such as those who like those cool new Japanese "Pocket Monster" cards. His close friends are also named in a ridiculous fashion, such as Hiphop McFreshster, Gnarly O'Bladin' and Lil' Weeaboo.

Influences: (i presume this means characters that influenced this character)

- Bill S. Preston Esq. and Ted "Theodore" Logan
Image result for bill and ted

- Marty McFly
Image result for marty mcfly
- Dippy Fresh
Image result for dippy fresh
(the one with the skateboard)
- Cow Pretending to be a Man
Image result for asdf skateboard
- Will Smith (Fresh Prince of Bel-Air)
Image result for fresh prince
- A stereotype "90's Kid"
Image result for 90's kid

3 words to describe them: Bodacious! <air guitar>

Well, that's the character! Hope he works well... :D

~ Noah :)

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